RISE Model

RISE Model

The RISE model is a new, evidence-based way to approach elder abuse and self-neglect designed to reduce harm, respect autonomy, restore relationships, and advance justice in a more holistic and flexible way than the usual systems are structured to do.

RISE integrates modalities that have demonstrated evidence in other fields of family violence and/or promising results in cases of elder abuse and adapts them to the unique challenges and circumstances of individuals and families who run into trouble in aging.

RISE has demonstrated evidence of feasibility, acceptability, and improvement in case outcomes. Specifically, RISE has shown to significantly reduce rates of recurrence, or of cases coming back into the system.

Repair Harm

Restorative justice approaches aim to reduce harm, promote healing, and help those involved in conflict work toward meaningful accountability and transformational change

Inspire Change

Motivational interviewing helps people feel that change is possible

Support Connection

Teaming is used to build more consistent formal (like Meals on Wheels) and informal (like neighbors) supportive networks around people in need

Empower Choice

Supported and interdependent decision-making assists people with cognitive impairment to achieve their goals

How RISE is Different

Theory and Core Modalities

RISE is grounded in ecological, relational, and client-centered theory and integrates core modalities (motivational interviewing, restorative justice, teaming, supported decision making) in which the advocates are trained. 

Holistic Approach

RISE works with cases at Relational, Individual, Social, and Environmental levels of influence. Specifically, we work with both older adult victims and others, including alleged harmers, their relationships, family members, and strengthen the social support systems surrounding them.

Prevention and Response

We work with older adults aged 60 years or older who are either experiencing elder mistreatment or at risk of elder mistreatment with potential for escalation without proper supports in place. This way, we engage in both prevention and response work.

Build Trusting Relationships

Advocates can stay involved in cases longer than most formal system responders are usually able to, allowing advocates more time to build trusting relationships with and social support around older people, families, and concerned others.

Client-Centered Approach

Advocates work in a truly client-centered way. We understand that each case is different based on the type of abuse, neglect or self-neglect, the way each older adult perceives their situation, and the relational dynamics surrounding the problem. We collaborate with clients to develop person-centered goals.

Ongoing Research

RISE integrates research and practice. We are committed to ongoing data collection and evaluating the efficacy of our work.
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